
Homi Home is a brand name of an original accessories, started in 2005.

“Please come visit Miho’s place!” =  Ho`i Ho`i !Miho Home !

It is a coined word arranged from Hawaiian local language.
Logo mark is designed from a hula dancer.
Showing the hand motion of Ha’awi, meaning giving.

We carefully hand craft every single pieces, with the hope to bring happiness to whoever wear our products.


Thoughts of Colors

My curiosity into colors started from lunch box that my mother made for me.
I was always excited to open my lunch box every time at kindergarten.
I got into coordinating colors of clothing as well.
Little things like coordinating colors of ribbon and socks. My sensitivities to colors are grown in my daily life with my mother.
When my daughter became to the age that I got hang on to colors, my own emotion to colors came to my mind like a kaleidoscope.
I made my mind up to acquire the qualification for color coordinator. I was hoping to find a job related to colors.

Uniting thoughts with accessories

Every single person has a favorite color. While someone chooses the favorite color, would it be possible to match the real suitable color to the person….
When I came to that idea, “the world of colors” and “accessories” came to join together. I always loved hand crafts and I was making original accessories as my hobby.  I decided to make it to real scale.  I accomplished the certification of beads accessories.
Garment that someone liked but the color doesn’t seem to suit anymore. Adding an accessory with different color could refresh the garment itself….

I hope to bring a joy and new discovery by uniting “the world of colors” and “accessories” to make a new form of art work.

Thoughts of the tools

My father had wide range of interests. There was always whole bunch of tools in his room.
To me that was a pile of treasures. My fathers’ figure of concentrating on making something,
overlap what I am doing now.

Necessary tools to make accessories, such as pliers. I got really into those tools.
I can work 24 hours straight if I have the pliers in my hand. That may sound weird….
When making a piece is done, I would not forget to set the tools aside with gratitude.
I would like to keep my affection to those tools forever.

Thoughts to materials

HomiHome accessories use various different materials like natural stone, cotton pearl, or vintage Swarovski.  I think combining different type of materials is very appealing.
I get out to find those materials for my products by myself, that is to not only with in Japan. I always keep my eyes open to things that come to me as, “it may become a tasty cuisine” or “it may be difficult to arrange but I want to.”  I admire the inspiration that I receive from those items.

Thoughts of crafts

Basically, I like simple design. But, I also feel that is not enough.
At first, I start with orthodox images of accessories, however the point is to breaking them into an original design. My concept is to break the ordinary.
I would create unexpected combination of colors or materials, but not to go off-the-wall.
Those pieces might have a novel and quite unconventional design, but they will fade into the garment or the scene. That is my focus on my products.

Original Parts

HomiHome is inquiring our originalities on daily bases.
We order manufactures with exclusive contract to make our original metallic parts with our logo.

Re-make and Re-designing

Your accessories that not have been worn for a while, or accessories with your precious memories.
We make suggestions to bring those accessories to life again, or reforming those pieces.
After consultation, they may become an accessory piece to be wear various different ways, or transform a mother’s accoutrement into several different accessories would pass on to next generations.
HomiHome keep that original ideas on our remaking and redesigning accessories.

Original Shop Bags

As you open package of our products, you may feel the excitement when you found the piece that you like, and the feeling of receiving accessories at a special occasion.
Our shoppers’ bags also have original thoughts and designs.